The Ultimate BTD Battles (2024)


Triple Dart(x-3): $475 --> $330
Juggernaut(4-x): $1900 --> $1450
Super Monkey Fanclub(x-4): $8000 --> $7000


Spike-O-Pult(3-x): Pierce 40 -->. 30


Dart Monkey no long aims at Frozen Bloons.


Ring Of Fire(4-x): $2500 --> $3750
Blade Malestorm(x-4): $2800 --> $3000


Faster Shooting(1-x): Greater Attack Speed Increase [-0.4285714286 --> -0.5]
Even Faster Shooting(2-x): Lower Attack Speed Increase [-0.571428571 --> -0.5]
Super Range Tacks(x-2): Greater Range Increase [8 --> 12]
Blade Shooter(x-3): Lower Attack speed Increase [-0.15 --> -0.08]
Ring Of Fire(4-x): Ceramic Damage Increased [1 --> 5]; Moab Damage Increased [1 --> 13]
Blade Malestorm(x-4): Ability Pierce decrease [infinite --> 80]


Point Five Oh(2-x): $1400 --> $1800
Deadly Precision(3-x): $1800 --> $3000
Cripple Moab(4-x): $5000 --> $11000
Semi-Automatic-Rifle(x-2): $2400 --> $2200


Point Five Oh(2-x): Layer Increase [7 --> 8]
Cripple Moab(4-x): Instantly Pops up to a BFB instead of stuns[Damage 45 --> 1000 (REWORK)]
Faster Firing(x-1): Attack Speed Increased [-0.6 --> -0.9]
Semi-Automatic Rifle(x-3): Lower attack speed increase [-0.933 --> -0.35]


Glaive Riccochet(3-x): $1200 --> $1300
Glaive Lord(4-x): $4000 --> $6000
Turbo Charge(x-4): $3000 --> $5000


Glaive Thrower(2-x): Increased Attack Speed [-0.085714285 --> -0.1]
Glaive Riccochet(3-x) Greater Bounce Distance [150 --> 500]
Glaive Lord(4-x): Increased Damage on Rotating Glaives [1 --> 5]
Turbo Charge(x-4): Longer Ability duration [8s --> 15s]

Turbo Charge no longer hits camo


Ninja Disipline(1-x): $300 --> $250
Sharp Shurikens(2-x): $250 --> $300
Distraction(x-2): $400 --> $350
Flash Bomb(x-3): $2200 --> $1750


Sabotage Supplylines(x-4):
- Increased total pierce of bomb [150 --> 500]
- Explosion Range Increased [ 120 --> 130]
- Longer Bomb Stun [1s --> 6s]
- Increased Bloon and Moab damage from bomb [1 --> 3]
- No longer shoots bombs and shurikens sequencially
- Ability no longer slows Moabs


Ninja Monkey No Longer hits Frozen Bloons



Bigger Bombs(x-1): Changed to "Faster Bombs"
MOAB Mauler(x-3): Changed to "Power Mauler"


Base(0-0): $550 --> $600
Faster Bombs(x-1): $300 --> $400
Bloon Impact(4-x): $3600 --> $5000
Missile Launcher(x-2): $400 --> $500


- Bigger Explosion Radius [60 --> 85]
- Increased Pierce [40 --> Infinate]

Faster Bombs(x-1):
- Increased Attack Speed [-0.4]
- No Explosion Radius Increase

Missile Launcher(x-2):
- Higher Range Increase [+5 --> +8]
- Higher Attack Speed increase [-0.2285714286 --> -0.3]
- Faster movement speed [1000 --> 1200]

Power Mauler(x-3):
- Now Hits Black/Zebra Bloons
- Increased Bloon damage [1 --> 2]

MOAB Assasian(x-4):
- Increased MOAB damage [10 --> 30]
- Increased attack speed



Ice Shards (x-3): Price Decrease [2800 --> 1400]
Absolute Zero(x-4): Price Increase [$3500 --> $4000]


Ice Shards(x-3): Shards Decreased [3 --> 1]
Absolute Zero(x-4): Increased Shards [5]




Corrosive Glue(2-x): Now Grants Camo detection

Glue Splatter(x-2): Splatter occurs when glue's reaches max pierce


Glue Splatter(x-2): Price Increase $600 --> $1250
Bloon Dissolver(3-x): Price Decrease $2500 --> $2300
Bloon Liquefier(4-x): Price Increase $6000 --> $8000
Glue Striker(x-4): Price Increase $2500 --> $4000

- Layers affected increased [1 --> 3]
- Attack Speed Slightly Increased
- Pierce Increased [2 --> 3]

Glue Splatter(x-2): Glue Splatter pierce Increase [8 --> 12]

Bloon Dissolver(3-x): Tick rate slightly increased

Bloon Liqefier(4-x): Tick rate increased



Grape Shot: Price Decrease [$600 --> $500]
Destroyer: Price Increase [$1600 --> $2200]


Destroyer(3-x): Attack Speed Increase

Canon Ship(x-3):
- Explosion Radius Increase
- Pierce Increased



Pineapple Present(x-1): Price Increase [$200 --> $250]

Sharper Darts(1-x): Price Decrease [$500 --> $400]

Operation Dart Strom(x-3): Price Decrease [$3300 --> $3000]


Pineapple Present(x-1): Larger Explosion Radius

- Decreased Bomb Peirce
- Increased MOAB damage



-Super monkey wont attack frozen Bloons
-Epic Range(x-2): Now Detects Camo


Base(0-0): Price Increase [$1800 --> $3000]
Laser Blast(1-0): Price Increase [$2500 --> $3500]
Plasma Blast(2-0): Price Increase [$2000 --> $5000]
Sun God(3-x): Price Increase [17000 --> 17500]
Super Range(x-1): Price Increase [$700 --> $1000]
Epic Range(x-2): Price Increase [ $1000 --> $1500]
Robo Monkey(x-3): Price Decrease [$11000 --> $9250]
Tech Terror(x-4): Price Decrease [$20000 --> $25000]


Base(0-0): Base Attack Speed Increased Slightly

Plasma Blast:
- Increased MOAB Damage
- Increased Pierce [3 --> 7]
- Attack Speed Increased Slightly

Sun God: Increase Pierce

Temple of the Sun God:
-Increased Attack Power (even more with sacrifices)
-Pierce decreased [infinite --> 10,000]

Tech Terror:
-Attack Power Increased
-Pierce Increased Slightly

-Attack Range Increased
-MOAB Damage Increased



Intense Magic: Price Increase [200$ --> $215]
Monkey Sense: Price Decrease [$500 --> $300]
Summon WhirlWind: Price Decrease [$2100 --> $2000]
Dragons Breath: Price Increase [$2600 --> $3600]
Tempest Tornado: Price Increase [$4200 --> $6000]
Summon Phionix: Price Increase [$4000 --> $5000]


Intense Magic: Pierce Increase [9 --> 12]

Monkey Sense: Slight Range Increase

Summon WhirlWind:
-Increased Weapon Range
-Increased Pierce Slightly

Tempest Tornado: Increased Pierce

Dragons Breath:
- Slight Attack Speed Increase
-Pierce Increase [3 --> 7]

Summon Phionix
- Changed Targeting [Close --> First]
- Increased Peirce



Monkey Fort(x-1): Price Increase [$600 --> $750]
Jungle Drums(2-x): Price Increase [$1300 --> $1500]
Monkey Town(3-x): Price Increase [$7000 --> $10000]


Monkey Fort(3-x): Increased Tower price Reduction [15% --> 60%]
Monkey Intelligence Bureau(x-3): Increased service range
MIB Call To Arms(x-4): Increased service range



Base(0-0): Price Decrease [$1200 --> $1000]
Long Life Bananas(x-1): Price Increase [$225 --> $250]
More Bananas(1-x): Price Decrease [$400 --> $300]
Banana Plantation(2-x): Price Decrease [$1500 --> $1300]
Monkey Bank(x-3): Price Increase [$2800 --> $5000]
Banana Republic(3-x): Price Increase [$2880 --> $3200]
Banana Investment Advisory(x-4): Price Increase [$5700 --> $8000]


Long Life Bananas(x-1): Increased Money per Banana [60$ --> 64$]

Monkey Bank(x-3):
- No Longer generates 30 eco per round
- Increased Intrest percentage [10% --> 25%]
- Increased Max money held [$5000 --> $25000]

Banana Investment Advisory(x-4):
- No Longer generates 80 eco per round
- Increased Intrest percentage [25% --> 50%]
- Increased Max money held [$20,000 --> $100,000]



Burny Stuff(x-2): Decreased Price [$750 --> $500]
Signal Flare(x-3): Price Increase [$550 --> $600]
Bloon Buster(3-x): Price Increase [$650 --> $850]


Bloon Buster(3-x): Now hit Black Bloons



PowerFul Darts(x-1): Price Decrease [$850 --> $650]
Faster Barrel Spin(2-x): Price Increase [$1000 --> $1200]
Depleted Bloontonium(x-2): Price Increase [$800 --> $1000]
Hydra Rocket Pods(x-3): Price Increase [$6500 --> $7000]
Ray of Doom(4-x): Price Increase [$50,000 --> $75,000]


PowerFul Darts(x-1): Pierce Decrease [4 --> 3]
Laser Cannon(3-x): Pierce Increased


**Heli Pilot**

**Monkey Engineer**

Larger Service Area(x-2): Price Increased [$200 --> $300]
Bloon Trap(4-x): Price Decrease [$3800 --> $3500]


Bloon Trap(4-x): Bloon Trap Respawns ever 5 seconds.



AirBurst Darts(x-2): Price Decrease [$1000 --> $750]
First Strike Capibilty(x-4): Price Increase [$20000 --> $50000]


Barbed Darts(1-x): Pierce Increase [+3 --> +5]

First Strike Capibility(x-4):
- No Longer Has an area Effect
- Increased Damage

The Ultimate BTD Battles (2024)


What is the most powerful monkey in Btd battles? ›

Super Monkey: The most supernatural of the Magic Monkeys, the Super Monkey attacks at incredible speeds but is very expensive and possesses the largest footprint out of all true monkeys. It has a lot of range and attack speed, and it can be upgraded to further improve its maximum DPS potential.

Who is the fastest bloon in BTD battles? ›

Bloons TD Battles Mobile / Steam
Bloon typeAbsolute speedRelative speed
Pink Bloon2453.5
Black Bloon1261.8
White Bloon1402
Lead Bloon841.2
10 more rows

What is the best bloons tower defense strategy? ›

Place towers where they'll cover the most track.

This is the range of the unit. Place your units where they'll cover the largest percentage of track so that they can stay in the fight longer and destroy the greatest number of bloons.

What does Zomg stand for in Btd battles? ›

ZOMG in BTD6. The Zeppelin of Mighty Gargantuaness, sometimes called the Zoh My God, is the third MOAB Class Bloon that had first debuted in Bloons Tower Defense 5.

Which Super Monkey can see Camo? ›

A unit you don't have to upgrade to see camo is the Ninja Monkey. This tower has a good amount of starting damage and can see camo right away. In addition to the benefit of a fairly inexpensive unit with immediate camo destruction, it can also be upgraded into a great unit against MOABs.

Can Super Monkey break lead? ›

Despite being the most powerful tower, the Super Monkey cannot pop Lead Bloons or detect Camo Bloons without any aid from upgrades, towers, and/or its Speciality Building.

What is the longest round in BTD battles? ›

The highest legit round ever achieved was round 453 Monkey lane hard in free play mode. Apocalypse mode is just another free play mode starting at round 1 like a normal game. On round 454 you could have a ZOMG going to the exit within 5 seconds.

What is the toughest bloon? ›

Details. The BAD is also the strongest non-Boss Bloon in the game with a massive RBE of 50,720 (100,320 if fortified). It moves at the same speed as a ZOMG but is immune to any attacks or abilities that would normally hinder a ZOMG's movement.

What is the best DDT killer in bloons? ›

Icicle Impale is an excellent counter against D.D.T.s, especially if under a 2-3-0 village so it can both slow and damage them. A good, though expensive way to deal with the D.D.T.s is to use a Pre-Emptive Strike Monkey Sub (0-5-0).

When did the first BTD come out? ›

August 16, 2007

Can you get banned in Btd battles? ›

BTD5 generation games on Flash

As for all BTD5 generation Flash games linked by Ninja Kiwi account, the player's Ninja Kiwi account will be banned if caught hacking.

What is the Z in Zomg? ›

Another is that the Z in zomg comes from a typo, hitting the Z key instead of the neighboring shift key when intending to capitalize OMG. Yet another theory is that zomg comes from players of the 1998 computer game, StarCraft. Zomg in StarCraft was a shortening of Zerg! Oh my god!

How much RBE is a MOAB? ›

Calculate Bloons RBE
13 more rows
Apr 14, 2023

Who is the most powerful monkey? ›

While mandrills are the most powerful monkeys, with their sharp fangs and formidable size and build, a few other species are known to be tough because strength isn't always what you have, but sometimes, what you do with it. The mandrill is the largest and the strongest monkey species in the world.

What is the best monkey to use in BTD Battles 2? ›

Ice Monkey is a cheaper and often more reliable mid-game counter than the more expensive Hydra Rocket Pods, which would be necessary for other Dartling loadouts.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.