THE BOSTON SUNDAY GLOBE APRIL 15, 1000. 20 Male Help "Wanted Mab Help Wanted Situations Wanted Female Situations Wanted- Male yrarV SALESMAN WANTED. Fur HJarmont Iciartincnt. capable of ivritins ads. II.
X. II. LA WW MOVERS jiuiat r.IM- nitira nn.fmr.1, boose s. ar ei grrt'iDaj a it i an ae-t a-. I IHIJa, av 2 1- i.i anr-ia-nira an i Appir aiTPtl, 174 AA'asaintw at.
a real at MAl.i;IIi Col of farm, wife to d.i gen Wosa lo tale aa'i WANTED. TOEXG MEN to learn ttibcitic an.l ewrtlnr slwavs pb-nty cf work; trod iy wl eu for p-e-ltlin. lor illrp-a THE BOSTON' S4'HOoL OF GAUMENT CL'TTlNia, n.v!t.n BAKES WA.TrU. 171 Wash. st.
rrotn 5. SalK.V WJIkXTKO. 17S Wssblngtonat. rra S- for niprcb-iDt talbirlrTg. to draft illte-us fr AVortMtpr l.rauct:.
Afj ly bet. a an.l lt a m. Glasgow AVoo.cj Miij 4, 273 VsIitngttni St. CAKI'EXTKUS MoO'liy, ready far ontsi'le work. I'miiV, il.1aui it.
Man. CAIXEP. Ol'T CAXVASSEIt from to 11. aii Wasbingttao at. rwsa N.
CASH paid for band blcyclellkp for sale). TAYLOR'S. Ikiylston. CIlACKi'D PIRATE, r. pair.
I tvl.lle yjj Ifental li Trrm.iiit row. a r.n i a a i xter- Apply" to" r. cor 3d sol liitsncy st. CAKPr.N'TF.U wanted to work on lot of counters. ZC fjidbvtt st.
"CYLINDER PEESSFEEDER a P3 Broe.l st. at nixe tu na. t. YAiEjj MEN and Woaea of faaj' ag.iita. jprmarirtit r- ai'ioars.
(a-laaaa. Aap.tt4 I'Ubibicg Co. lia-l 1" 'an UAIN.4pilINGi E'lc. l-i. wu.t ra r.
'si apara; aratehi lil.HT-.l. 2s at. tH v. -C. AJ, 'I4.
J'" raT l'i tea. MAN to take rbarge l-jlrrd. aaliry ialrreat. HAUPFl tnal T. r4in 1 MAN I lace.
"a tT 'rt wife to ca.k fi firj l'y of .7 li'I 121. lUiv.r; MACHIM-STS- Regular laioell eve, m. pjp, att.ol. bualnarsa aarpot. 2C.4.
-a' Taea a MEN'S HATS. li ra). SI tT act M. -A! a Haiaoar aui.l its. ts -t MAIUUK.I ol I z- t'J I bouxkeafh-r.
Jj laiton J'EX sn W' tDcti tie A PElt''E. fara. ttl lAa. a 7-ajJ Jlt.A anj glrla waotej to fiaiai N-tK-il at. la.
MARRIED a'o! PEES and 21 7.J farraera. LATliiio!" 7 lirtiait r. iM' AN AGVR ai. U. ke.
rtr a ra-iail a- eutaide of Beaton. A ijrp of eiia-rle-ace aud aa.ary aaaulasl, aj. office. a OLD ir.
atste s-js. ra aad arooaty a r.riten.leriui at a re-sraaa-tlvely, ex-am. and rainiiajtaei.aca pai Jl-si aaasrurity,l a.i..;,. kja ORfiER chiK vrativl, i lea nnJ trsS-r" ccxistcaiiil i 1st laaa ii; dentlala anj to ei-a-f. 47 flloras nTVsa.
PATENT iFI 1CK I A FTS A at a4 tnuat be experl.Ticl and capable if ig ai-naaa work. sltuati'-a to ibp tnsn. age week Aj i-l la Saturday aftern'. and I.K.NJAMIX I HILLlPsS. C14 l.v.
Ing. -state at. aiSu 4 PRACTICAL Pr.lNT! trad-, to lake foil a au-aii )a prlaiimg flaui; a .0.1 aan. tar ire rr tarty. Aldre.a lia.
Globe 4-tbi-. PLEASANT, pr-atitai 1" work st .10 and IcstrucUona luc. li.iu.e Cotpajy. i.a Ify.
ri i "PRINTER APPREM I -IV ite, iat. gent t'4 a. ti.Tji-eite 111, laian, wash wlndowa. run etranda. at i.l t.arflrt.iar4 ra-rtfre'l.
I' t- Jii a PAINTER. l-ai-obuoce. ll ail rtr-tl Ban, Al. Al' a.iut-e Im- iil I'AIXTERS AAanted. 4 1 Steady to g.aj-l laja-n.
I JIAliii.v. ia-fV-0'1 n. IT'14-LKS uVER 0.1 nu n's McKay and Weita. Heady wirk.
Ap 'i IioDiiK I.itoS lliear d-I-'t'. rja.rt. AJ aaav. PAPIKIl ANliER to paijar taut 2 i rtprta $iai N7. Glotae I'l LLERN OA p-i-a au.l tii.l avi -asaT ab-ta etrobg ta.y.
ANDREA) r. A a O. t.aei 11, "PAPER "IJ AITR war.te.1." A J. II. KIXMART1N.
1.. at "l-HES FEEDH: 21 Al ik at PANT-sMAKEP. WANTED AT aiN'CE lailTt S. av. Ar.aigt.
tie "martraj e'rt-ps; aldp-ldie. atauiarria-d loco, ta-i ate. ia tte ag-aa 21 an4 31 4 ears. are et'-l' af t'te States. haa-e Ippait) laired Ibeir aouat le frta 6 4 lU'leta I.l IJ 1 a -la iu tili.i t.
goaat 4'batsrter. and si-Ip io aj-k, leal ar.d write la-g i-fii $13 to $44 a-f Ile.otti, rations, tlotbing anil metlttal free. I'lNtriot iitn aura a rat roeu; la'Uai'Mi iot. aervlce and for Ai iy at No c.Mirt t. I'sioo: II at, la.weii.
Mass; 7ss, ai. Msn. Leater. 11. 4.r uiati'i New, tort.
du.nt flit KI.I.IAPI-E AIAX in to re-nt m't fi I luiiiiiljeii.iHis aar -i a apital 4ai-i aao A. I lea opia.i I. a 117., I'liila. P-iiii. Stilaaajs RIJJA1.1.E JIAX wrb
s-ii $'iaai cash to liar lit .1 i.i 2 rr $2.1 w. kl). Mr SH ART. 4'i S. READING scaled letters taiui.l.
I''i Is )- Magic Made. A'. STr.NOGI! APH! a lull! otb all- 11. Ie4 Iv.aat4ia. a oine man for t-i and g-'lieral louat 3.e St4-irat4- st Ilgar- slid give giant reieferes's as to character and at.
App in -m. h. of api Ii. stating age, eafiei irta-a aud r. ereutA'S, to jaastotli.
iliataer I. Ml.l.i!" apla Sis- Tij Cat. riisiili.g oil order apiendi.l litters! coiono. J. I d'-liiaiil suited; pari st-uiara laa.l.
1. 1 Vet ton oibte. J. 4.. l-x 57s.
Fexbor-a. uA SHOE WoliKUtS- Send "pat "in staLi- sliver oar list of tin ipauufu. lute's. It will help yon wb-n I. a.
king aa. rk A1- atras No. l.S aa. I-J ria. Mas.
NI.AV- a.f iiialro. la a'arn and Imu-a. palatln-r. clldlne. arraimoc and kri.ii inii a.
iii.l. Iwrii" at once. Aal. Mu AAorks, il i-W ai.kee. is.
A I.F Al a. ant nT. fg.7.1:7 I -7i fn solicit oflice tike no re a o-ir imp ingft gra.le, custom imil H- S. P.LAKE ACO, i 'aVia.
i31 SAI EsAf EN as.p.. a.t,T. sells i.a br eac le a ta.riat. for atge-ita; aai.le for a-r-ritoiy. IVrsaitg Mlg Co.
-soutu lnl Lei SEA ER.AL fiistcl.i.a itT-d. eijat rp-II. 'i. Hl.vj a VI--, ted. atea.if pe-itb us t.a ci.tjn-t.
nt n.a u. A.j-Ira-M 1m. I Mass. sstj St SI ENI ER sii. small wltii ericaa inside s.
ine iut. -l the giving fuil i.articui. pi. I.
It-be Olace SALESMEN wartiel. :i.i w.Vk" r.i dt'iiverie or e.u,s-t 1..11. aiie. Ailoiea Mfra. 13..4 Ibtriy
i'lae I'l' St. Pi. lia. Silt MI.IiS'.ilA' T.a a otlea- aja-. l.t, -a.
a Scl." litl-a. Osa-d Pa ail 1. w-. il'ili! Ifrp. iltpb I Mfg Co, 17, I' -o I.
Iwl. apIS SAV1 Inir f-iac, MoNEY III. RE. 2-V-, yora wait only iac. ilea o.
a 1 uiont row loaai t. r. a-J. who aa.ll a.v- lie t'g mouejr to tight p-i-H3. 7 Water st.
II birth aar utl: with a frteri.fel toei. piee p. bi a.1 1 address. hi, 1 Iic-. -SALESMEN ueu el tet4iin4--sa blj V.
i 34 Sa.u-h atil St. St lao u- 1 C.O.s 1 .1 a ar il SAI.r,SAEN I efe, to Peif tirue SINlaLE L'I I1111.1. garden, 'srkef st. pel: p'r ..1 ft. Jla a n.
I sal a.u geai.ea,. a a place, t-lc. Lt a-2 HA is. l.ta aa. i trluijltp.l, made iu ai.
HAND. 3 ton, over btek alor-e. a. SAL SVKN OJiilt I. l.i-y a tid -rRisbeat -c.
I aaaaia Icr. SALE-sMaN a bra'-- tliaa Weil aaelea in I lli'ia et 1-121" ajn paja-f tea. Itoaron an I a.iSo' a.i..'-- a M'ltS'EVoU at pari.ipf. ii if fire; elate pur. iciara.
11. 1,1 TAlI.liR One t.rt-cia.- catuiaaer tlej ruipl to werk aae. or i t. I'lr-r. AVrite lo ki.
A. A Dl HUD. J. H. or apple at iit at.
Iv-sfai. 1 Moiaoay. -jSt ai.ii" "tiik urt i ply. soid ly PERNARD Al. 'A a -Li, cr lE' Dorer and I's paa'i; $1 2 liie a -n-n.
-ari-i a tii ci.oae a.i saia-s. ai.satf ail "THE FURNTSIMNG lairtrj.of taf .) )iv er. liaLa.t.r arid i'. laid Las up a-ii- tm at tiae very leant o-'icea at a i iji. ELIv a IS A PI I "l.t.s.4..
is7t7 tpriaa n-aurfiabie. Ill'illl S. GitAV 2 et st. i-J T'aVu Ga "ll PAIN! i- 7 rtA). liRvTHLRs.
U-i -4 I- Man TWO SALESMEN. eca ta'i'p. ftspa-s mnft rfiirai; amapr Tl.iitt.i.. Vi. TREEU la ta' KI.1LY A lo, auir ai.l 'delpaa.
TW4 i ai: Cr, tTEns. Apply Sit Moieiay Co; i.ira. TAIlAli.lSp -If w. V' w-aataj an.) iri ior aasa ltl A GaPlae e. A i lailis -W I la d.
2 u-aat-ak. Djcia jLI.Xii'.'Lli, Loar.i. i i TAIaiR wsct.tL g'-p a lav. Wi'iTf'. 4 I road.
No l-- ir I I'ltO' -Tt ttl 1 Alri! 5.SO iu. iV3 Uauoter at. la.j-ortsAt I I t-; Ij-er V. tjf f-i4 I A Xi. il.NNEY.
alaaaa-r at. atrr, II "r- -t at. rd al Eit-IIEiaa, 21 lir- i. a. a.
is aa ar- -4-il Situations Wanted--Mile fc I--- r-fe r'-m, lfr: ft iw 3 Wl I -M ea lr- i A T-" WAX I tlfc fft tn I -i. f-fr-f 4 A 2' I 4-i JlMflT: It Af- la ar- tifi- a i It'l lUi.t IK t-3 1 I 1 i. A Ufi i I II A 1 i I 4( a i R' in. ri ifk 9fca r-f lr f.roi vt ynfBl b- ft t.lf. farm i4.
I A i ffo a at r. i -r. I 'i. 4. lit trrrrr nr l-t A I'll MX UH.
"wJl I I I 4'. i I' II 1 1 -i ft ar.n fif.T A U'l'Mi Jl i'. -i kk-i-r -'-411 1 A UnUi A 1'MMHt mr'i a Si i At r-f fi I- al a N. l( aai r. t.
'u- fc'- 11 ri r. as Mi ti1 A -irri'N t.r .1 4. I I' 4.N. ir.t-T.. a jhn 4 IT It ,1.
K. -r A lro hut it-f i I I. Al irat il.lM'l II a'l ir'an It I ia i. a.lii'' 1: v. ti W'rlk I t.
ah ax I al t'! ij t'an 12 H-'t HWI It I ir nil iii r. an. krttj. iw iti 11. al'.
k. kii. l.r. ra i- er. A4-lr iiki-f.
X-Pl Vlrt r.KK.Il, nn an I 1 rr. a i.tuiin lak 0:1 an. I rr. A tr'4 lt.XWIMU;. at.
3U-. M'uatW'U. 1-l. t', l-r'. 1 r-a I.
cf. tru.i--. rtian. afni if. inti.
hf ii li-! a i i-. No. W-'M dHrti aiJ- TAkf it Haul a at l-at .11 to a it if i ea fe rt fcan.i ft' iil'l t. iv.
rk B- A. l.MN. 'Jl Ha i'jii. ISft'lsT' SSu I. AM J.
-I n. tul liar. nil .1:1 Ink tk k-'aU. wut a.t-.all'i., tty T.
ItAKI ii A I all r.Hici.l rim a. nti.l-.ttr. "tkio a. I 4tt t.r It St. rt.f iitUil-M'l It.
rt-M alrl. tly trli.i- T. la aitlutiM-r'l -V4- ll MS I I If. I a.l lii-'i 'ii l'i -jf' i-t-r-t rt. I II.
lKJ'T? i.a.l. all "''l rt in itl-a a- tt. a la at. t- .1 1 HI li' 1 1 11 alfuall.m a) 1 It VS il ttagli a a ll 51 M-i a. M- i- i 1 s-Mirii.
if 1-Akl U. l.Ui ar-I Tin 1'H l.l.A. VSZ ir. ---t 1 t. M.
I a' I'r Ai. r- uaU iit. I k. 2 im I j-a UAT. I 4 1 1: 1 1 -it.
-ii. t'Muj r-l. ft.if rii. I'AKIt; I' 1 i'lv tirl ias nl'l" tr I HA ail.
ee ra v. a 0 Pi ni (.1 urSt. iy i i.nKti ft atanfa t.a I. a. er ivt- I t'''K a 0..1..1 it a a-1 itri l.
-i I I. 1 1 1 at. 4 aant-t I'w: a'l Ir-." I. 1. 1.
1:. rt a' iij a til. -ti- lit er i i-. -1 1 ir 1 I'HT VN I atnl 4 Kr a.ti- i'Q la b.s.''.. ai till 4 1: 4--i i.
14! b. J-. "-tt t.i tat. AUI IMI war'a i-. k.
A Vf I 7: a 4 f' at 4 ir. aa a'. 2. 4 'ii; it ai t. ll at' .4 l'K II -1 fa 'i i i i i.
i) in AV a Iv -a 4 4 i-a 1 e'-'-' i i a r.t a 4 ti--. i lata. I a. -4 aa in -I .4 ap i'l-t; "kMMUNi! Vi tVti-r. (j 4M -i i-i If I.
i i 4 .41 a at.r.ia,.. t-a a ra B4-- I I 4. in i i i l. 4 J-44i Via aa ps i A J.i -p- i a 4 i taiii'e ait a -a I. 4 a I.l.
aa a jt- air: -a ia rwti AV .1 1, fri t- A t. -S i ai 4. 4 a S. faari-a 1 Jeoee Jl, li: i' i 1 4 a.i.. (.
ai4 I A 41 Tvt 4 J' i 1 1 ail a 1 4 j. er' ft a A l-'i Va I e-a a -f, IJt I' a ai. a.i a. a a It 4 l.ij.V a at i.a Bi I pa i- a 'i a a aU 4.1 a-.
4 it: All. t-r a a I a-? 44 a a I. Ua.4 a I'aa GILL FAHAZKaA All 2 I AA a- si .1 Ta-aa, la Jp. s. A a ira-at.
1 '14. 1 a-. a tias a Jpaap.a, A -t-t i a- i kf pa sae a Is i i iv 4a, a ao 1 a-aa, i-a. aa a ia tie )i ku tllaa. taai 1W i a i i 1 I 1 I 1 i 1 I I I a 4.
r. i a. I 4.. em. ir rr t1 t- a-, ri: t.
a- a I I i Hi 1 I I fe Situations TVanted Female WIVTfll.ii'nallim. IT Knclb-h tfrl a bom errk. Arf tt'M'KIi-f arii of lo.ljlns hian by eip wcmajj. zr, rvft Cl.arieitowu V. ANTKIurir cirl.
laundry, or work hy Cm or rnir 1. K-. -u iJarJpn- Wii JaN woai'l l.iif a iltaa'trnj as boriaekc-rr Id a isiil. wldonfr'a fumliy, one i4 wna-iiln-t t. a 4 yeara old.
Ail raw M. II. IS at. Weat Son ervlilo. Iia.
apt; 21" TOfNG n-arrlc! rt: 1 from New P.ninjwlck want wurk. ci-ntloman'a place or wife cook, rrork. Wf.iilJ rt, niaratety. BJiinysian oi. ervl.l- S-iM T.
Tpari' exr-prii-nrp in lakr bnaineaa. siaaiia (ianiian sinl KacUari. IaiTiun aa aaiala.Jy In I'Skery. batl reltT'Ttc. atate aaiary.
42. Globe ofllf -lni Y'll-yO I.AI'k. fin. wtaUoa a -r- i.tlon a or taking lu Bay sir.all tore, poraJ rffcrenoi. tJurou.ny bonwaiile, AilJreaa 7.
24. Globe cAW. YCt'V'a GIL'T. woulJ like to Jenra lUe fan.y dry goods baalnpae, ou'nl work fjr-et year tor laavrJ. no oi'tectlon to 'in nice berself uswful In the l.ooae.
43.Gi'ib otIW; I-AIiY STKX6; It AI'Il at. no perlene" to work bcr way up. orTii-p YOt NG LADY lata ta-aitiou in r-Hjf ery or bakary. beat rcfiTpnivs. M.
G. 10 I blon t. YOl'NO LAbY wuulil liLe to attend bake hnp or w.irU In ttore. I 13. Globe nitlre.
YOl'NG WOMAX wants a situation; work by the day. watiuirig. or aoyiuicg. 1 Molten at, P.ostcn. YOI'N'O WOMAN wants jxeiltlon as working bouaekveper.
Miss oil Oak YOfNfJ LADY wuulil like a few hours- office Wf.rt (Jnily. 2.Globi- Elce. Su.M YOt'NG LADY. refined, sjilcflady or otaer work, oM,!.e onice. 2 wnnt w'iVl rmT-c I pe ri enci-d In confectionery, bakery and lunch.
II Glol office. STW'oxbury A Fit nation rant- e4 by a wotoaa cook, boiel or boardluj; house. M. A. a Suil Agents, Partners, Etc AGF.NTS Famous cure for drunkenness, for $1 will send foraiula and directions tuauufac-lure srciitcut cure on market; secure and go Into mail order business yourself; also tobacco cure both f'-r iiKdiciue fells full treatment, witb formula cun ni.ike for 2c any druvjist.
St James, 1423 U. st, l'bila. AGF.NTS on salary or commission The prear-est seiier ever pnidiiced: ei-ery uer of pen and ink buys It on 200 to Mm percent profit, one agent's sales to JG20 In 0 days, another $it2 iu 2 bouis. Monroe SUg Co, 24, Iai Crosse, Wls. ilSuTt apl2 A.ilKNT.S-l"3 a month r-eTllug to every one our new photo button, people are perfectly cr-izy oyer them because each button has a of tae wearer's best friend, child, wife t.r iatire: bant to reap a liilrv-t ever samples free.
lloja.u Ltutton io. It t. Cincinnati, o. ATfT.NTA."& onifTiel'lobi-cr sells at si-tlit. evcrylaxly v.aus a colitir but-Inii that won't hurt lack of neck and holds tie dowD; you puld-? collar.
It buttons iiio-lf; Jui-t patcuieil, fiimples lOo, circular free. AlsTIN CllASV, inanufaciurers. Smih Suat npl AGENT wiinted In ytiur county, ulso Keaeral state uirriii to iutnxluce the only burner la tne b'nited States which will uial.e. natural khs out of coiil oil and properly heat any kind of a atove i.r furnace. free territory, lrciilurs, etc, iidilrcss Cliamplon Oil liurner Co, Cleve-limd.
1 "The World's llest Oiailnns," by AssoolHte Jusriee David J. llr.wer of lie upreuie court and oilier einliieut unu, now In 10 Tolumes, In popular and De Lu.te editions: sold on easy payments. 1. P. KAIfKK.
J44 jt. AGF.NTS airents to haioiTo new aluminum card cases, plates and unr eltles, exclusive terrlt.iry (riven to ijikmI uirenis: send for our illustrated catalog of over lisi fast sellini: alnmluuiu at ticks. 'uWEXS BP.oS. lioblon. Muss.
a AGr.NIS wanted everywhere for tvtiliron benter fir use on pas, gtisollue and oil stoves; one flame will heat 5 irons, any style, ner-fi-ctly; exclusive territory Kiven: price ooe: scad 2c eianip for particulars. Hart Specialty ills Co. Cincinnati, o. AGENT. Here's a nMiueyniaker: men and women fj daily st 111ns our metallic pastry; si lls on siiht every bom" wants one; eAelimire territory: write today.
Metaiic llread JjoarJ lo, Cambridge, O. AGENTS Our mantel shelf, worth its weight In told, inilisitei'sable in oliices, hoteis. rest eve-rv-wht-re, airents waut -d guick; it Clears blar money; write fur terms. Hail Live fir Co, Arch. Plilla.
AGENTS niukit Ms nay cellins to all horse owners; siiow- it and it is sold; patented; dt scriptlve circulars and free sample: secure ter ritory. As, 2ti0 Lowell bt, Manches icr. 11. i r. wanteil to sell inodel tklrt sun simpie.
no sewing; uiijusted 1.1 anv skirt in a moment; sells at bljrlit. Write for paitlruiars und ajrents' terms. Mtslel tiarment o. 101 SuteJior St.
Ill Atib.NT.S WANTED lit to sell sash lock and duor hold.jrs; a grod hustler can make Jio a da sample sash lock by mail for 10 cents. Address The liioliard Co. Dept 11. 1 1 i.iu.-i 11 1 f-enn. AfiKNTS wanted cver'Where.
lneu or women 10 canvass lar ie weii-tnuwii Alasku rcii.e- 11 1 1 1 aa a.elier: iarse 'nuiiij; let experience cessilry; retcrence Alaska I'ran. jaiuna Co, l.ynn, Mass. A.iE.N'iiS 1 1 1 It 1 1 sex; Zar- I'iua illamomls; experts ptiy.zlcd to delect from Canine; lib-ral cuuiuiission catali ttue. samplo inns: or siuui rre- ell api on. Z.arema lna inoiid Co, 113 Adaais at.
Cbicaso. Suit ipl ACKXTS AVAXTKD slinpie ike, uasolii lamp: lnu-canille ower. quicx Hireling, le a ii-iy,, don pay .10:11 oiicts. 1 lanet -1r1r t.i. iieni .11 sit Slltf mh2o ni.r.i.4 ami saiesnieii-to sell eorres na- leiir corn an.l i.iiniini slilel.Is, Pest lu tbe world quick seller', terms i id bia.kl.'t tree.
J. tiEOiiGES SOX. 1115 Pa av, Washington lit. a COI.LAHS, white or colored, nil ftyle sizes, ladies' or gents', nt retail 2.1c: rob ber aprons mid sleeves, medicated snlnhnr aim puas.
ii ill, tv CO, Gen Agts, 4S Winter st SuW ACKN SiJ AO HHilllhlv sellliiir nirkei-piated Hrilliunt oasligiit Hurnt'i. flu Kerosene lumps, beautiful gas'lirbt withour cnimney; sample tree. Juiterprise lifir Co. svs. i iiicianaii.
o. a AMHlTIors. energetic canvassers, either sex wantea everywhere to represent us: larizn liroflta. iiubk sjiles: cir. free, or send losipa iu sainoie and cauimience at once, lirislol 1:4 axi.iugti-n st, AGENTS P.lg iii.iiifv bnndlinir nboto butt.
ma medalien easels, licit buckles, etc. reproduced from picture; hur.dsi.mi-. easliy si Id. 111. Crucley l'laito Hulton Mr-.
4i. lib a -ro. 111. a ALEUT MAIL Oni-r and want a should write for our 7ists of best-paving mediums. Hfiigcrford i liarn'il Adv Ageiicy.
Ltaltl-luoi-e, Md. a wanted for tiie latest re- aoiTiiiaj orea.i an.l pasrrv ouard. a real n.vel useful, ai t-tkimr. Address i s', 1 -v Jill. ACFXTS wanted; the Lever rile: notbii like it: every cyclist buvs; write, ttrlosva.
2c Hammock Saddie Co, Werrea st. Y'. AGENTS WANTED Imported p'-rfameT flavoring extracts, toilet articles, simii etc! 1'ci main 'it. pri'iiitalib- e-iiplovuient. Creuit gieu.
Paris Perfume Co, Jersey City, J. AGENTS ANTED every ore to si I "The New Aerlsl scutitic m.vilty-sample post aid loc. for 2,.. Ciilversul fg l' Murray st. weeklv.
butter Inwi7i7is Iir7-resuuen: Jtisn, pood fresh lei; ter iiltso. 13c mlllloas use it; send 2c stamp 'or terms, liox 12-aS, P.oston. a AGENTS -Patent ssfety window cleaner waV.cs cf wiu low while remaining In inside big maker; no o.u: petition. 7 Warreu st, room 32. New York.
AGENTS-You can earn $3 and ov. per day b.nOl'.tg Electrical Puiist-iR- pi.ys ItTctut. uses ti.etii, exdiMivo" K. A CH AS'E.
EevereAIasa. a Af'ENTS-lts iisefiiint-ss increased vvTci fi and dust: ttte l.pkx hat best am the market, la: geat profits: sampl.i Pf Atf i n. Tr.m'.iit r. our trade secrets f-la-hTou nake and up-to-date speclalti lor plan of nud fn'l write WHr.AlX'X A y. New P.e.lfi rj.
M.i-s. AGENTS wante.i ttruit, spplv ci er 5-0 m. Auit-ricau Portrait Co, 73 t. roo-a 24. 4.
ty trial otT.T surprises brines steady cistouters, success sasurasl l. itiurtaa je Ilavea Co permanent Invv.rae. $25 irrei: pa psi i. I. lets.
our tree S'lrprta i pr. ryiawlv. writ" fur aanities. Mfg Co. Wis.
"AGENTS ail np. maiy gx.1 art) -ita, 2) -page MASON -k I', lul 1 or-laud si. ltj, Alas. A FEW AGENTS iaA aairu a special v. aated for a special can- atut tig a sptcial a sprtia! pisu: Ria BAt-CH BRa I 4e.
lldvalHIi. M. AGENTS. al and travelii.g, i.f-r.ts a at'ita siMialty, is: worth $ii a a at tours' work llil'i'v' Eita t.
New lork. AGENTS Scud aau basket it luoaia. big ihi--p: it is li-e arl.c.ia ta a.v'11 ll-viPa easy to 2-V. 4'i Mas. jOENTs SniPtiiiug new, sari.
1ou-ipup l.tie luoili.r. li 44lPi at-dlVa-a A. Era. i "a -ate profit; cie. as 4J ct Iras.
ate aral Iaa.e' sr- Alt i iial lata' Pay. i riak. iemie. ut you. -arlte ii.
A a P. mil GF.NTS an to imi' versal Geruand. il a AA'a, -t'i. th. tie it- aaia.
At.l-P Sti.M At I I A k-tou a sai 11. 1. tae terr't-tr to stents 'T a'-i r'': sOey. atr.ia gret.est out. Usi.y.
Hit -aca laa ai. 1 A J. fop VZ Agents, Partners, Etc "Library of So. Africa, ITU ITS lllsTonA ITS rlLKOFS AM' ITS WARH l. lVof AV.
noucias Mackenxle and Alfred Plead; D-arly 7i panes, over UJ cloth only l.7.: eb sant ba.r m'co $2 L'J: "no otiier vulnme contains so ruiiy Just the Information need'-d In regard tn tae pn.Wen of so. Africi." Tinies-lieiabl. Mca-470. 2 IJve aarenfa wgnteil evetyTrbere; lendaeverythiDr for ealablenetoi; write fr with fuil Inforoiation, or lncbwe 20 et for a-li-ttant free prr.s,tus, n- Jn ahend for the bnsine-; roropieie b-a k-i ready delirerr. GEO.
il. SMITH at O. ji; Uri'mU'dd sr. lioston. Mnr llaraa Hitch and Wheel Ick ni-iTi ait., t.rtt- both bnirffles snd ia i.iiii on In 2 min on the sit, child can hitch in 2 aeconds: badds runaway; aeha itself: I1I2 discount: Hasten tuken; airent sold 12.1. 11 in one stable; airents, aectire your localltv now: tirciilani free; Lberal teim, etc. Hot 21, llniMwIrk. Me. agents wanted to sell uis-rle scent for catchlnir fish, price 60 cts.
M. G. SIIAAV, Franklin Fails, 11. dPu4t 1 practical cisoline lamp, no mnotlea. 111.
testlaioolals. MOREVT, Lagranire, IH AOFNTS to imndle our bluh-crade perrumes. our plan wins, lare terms reasonable. IaEI TLEIt A- CO, St Louis. Mm pi" AlaiiAl.
LtUUlIUOUB iiBUJe j.uai, bouse uumbers. rrsdable darkest lilfbts. fine aa i. a trtj -J't 'V AGENTS wanted of (rood evddrese. CC1 3 to in, Sunday.
112 I nion at. AtiENTS for the Sidney library editions of standard author. 110 iremoct st, room o4. AGENTS tVaell automatb shoe faLleners. A.
JOIIN'SOX, Cons t.laljr. James IJoston. ROYS aaJ rlrli i everywhere, after school and Saturilava. IS.7ii a week, stctdy employment. send loc silver for first Instalment of work and appointment, the 10c wilt be returned with your Brat Week's pay.
Manager IS. P. it A. tii txcbanpe st, Atboi, iiass. Hit MOXEY' In magnetic healing, fcypniism, etc.
easily learned, celebrated course ouly 1. A. L. FAliEU Meadvllle, Penn. GOOD LL'CK for Barents, kj daily, write.
Lightning Novelty Co, So Gardner. Mass. asmt- apu GET the best aluminum novelty ever pit- dued. the ailver doe puzzle, live pieces, alu minum, light and durable, only 10 cents, order at once. 11.
I. LEI lol lTenioni st, imsion. HELP laemonstrators. nire.iiLs wautiHl; ex perience unnecessary terms, Bpevlaieua of gorsla sent free: no books, no misreiiresentation; a2a weekly pun ran teed. Clio Munufacturlug ajoni-ptiny.
Host. it. Muss. IH STI.ING AGENTS to sell tbe Ideal Sieam Cooker tn every town In E. lSuliard-Merrlaui Co.
77 Hndford st. HostoD. I AM WEIX'OME at every bouse 1 cull." Mrs Par4ous; "So am snys clair. "and we each make over i.10 weekly;" they Dotli sen our periecny eicrrani skirt tup- write us. you Avlil bo trliul -if you do; we iiiiarantee It.
Iorgan-Heiiieman Cai, 8a Jiearlairu, cidcai'O. Agent almost everywhere; alt make ns.mey. Ki UK Yot'it HORN'S The corn la no re specter of persons: It afllicts the king and tbe peasant, the milifonaire and the pau'sr: it la universal enemy of comfort; he who can remove this tyrant, and thus minister to the world's relief. Is a public benefactor, and here Is where the Kmnia Margaret Crawford S-bour corn cure comes in; big fceller for agents; try it; only 10 cci-ls by mail. liox 234.1.
Boston. LADY cleared man $lls2 last 8 months introducing Holtuday's marvel waterproof shoe polish, selfshlniug, russet and black, why not you? demonstraied sample- free. HoLLADAY CO, room 341. 1SS Monroe at, Chicago; solo manfs. LIVE MEN AND WOMEN sell oil wnternroof polish, shines itself, no brush reouired.
water or mud does Dot affect luster, agents make $5 unr easy: demoustrutive samnlea free. Wonder Shoe Pi lish Co, 234 Lasalle st. Chicago. ThSSu ap2 LADY OH GENTLEMAN' to take area airemv to handle the Lightuiiig tlut Iron waxiag pad in Minnie. ii or verinoiit.
sells for ll. Acme Novelty Co. 50 Itromileid st. room II. MAXUFACTrPF.rt vi-aiits" men anil Qistriuute sampler, take orders, goods required hi every no'jsiaoid, large prouts, steady work.
sumpjts ior stamp. jl, oAljli), St Ixjuls, no. SU12W mh2i .41 II A.ND AlUtMOXT are open for state agencies for a ury powder tire iiiugtnsner mei'tins with sticcess In the went. New York tire Exliuguisber Co. SO Bromljeld St.
room 11. MANCEACTl'UE GOODS you sell, emtilov "tiers. 4t.ii.. secret Iortuulns 10c. KLEIN (A-'l'.
CTeveland, O. XOINK PENS sell on sight, 8000 in March, prouis (itiormous, Kamj.le and terms 10c. A K. BKOWX(li, box46.2. Providence I.
I'Oltl POLIO Itrltlsb-Boer war pictures. maps sun nisiory, a qnicg mouev getter lor agents: sutrple free. CO. a'hlcugo. PERSON In every town to represent mnVaC JXO.
AA. GEnilAU.O, Paltimore, Md. SWOKX STATEMENTS from 70 canvassers snow average prohts of $23 weekly for tbtste months, selling "Allen Kthihlon Komfort Ladies' Shoe;" positively the must attractive and comfortable known; self-adjusting, water-proof ciisuiou soie, ever-wear neei, and seven new sight-selling features; possibilities unlimited. F. G.
HAKUISuX, 504 Washington st, Loston, room 32. a SPECIAL PLAN for 500 bustling agimts to uuuiiie wiiite anu rancy ruDtier collars, cuffs. oecsiies; jiaiciiipu ana guarutitwil goods; no nerier lino to sell: few as good. M. M.
Mfg cpi niKueiu. M12t apa SEND 5e quick for sample of our endless wire puzzle; makes ev-ryttody laugh; sells itself as nisi as you can hand out at lu cents: price to you ilox: the seller going. Enloti AA ire Mattress Co, 7'a Erie st, Chicngo.Su2taplo SPECIALTY Every uegio buvs. honest goods, lurge proiiis. 5c iiostage brings samiile nnu iiuriicuiars.
uostoti a i'o eh. u.ontl, 'a. a A ANTED Agents for "The World's Great 4ii imperial de luxe volumes; a col lection of the supreme books of all nations anu an uses, grouped, edited and classilb py lltnothy Dwight, president of Yale, R. II. -Motaiani.
Julian Hawthorne and others. J. J. ateao. llnBoylston st, Boston.
WAXTF.D Agents, lailh sex s. in everv coin. muiiity lo Introduce our special shoes for women, something new and superior to any shoe on tile market: most liberal terms sod iMirmmanr employment; no exp rlence required. Address asulngtou t. Lynn.
dSti3t apl3 AV'ANTED Affents. reliable, eneraretle nren" to sell our celebrated roof and men. niinta on coiamisslon. either exclusively or as a side line, locally or trsvellnt': fre 'I'I-m Cleveland Refining Co. Cleveland, o.
SnTt'tiiliJ WANTED Bors and irirls. work at bome: earn choice of cash dlniMT sets, or ebnice i.f 73 iirettiiii'iu. Nil money required. AVe trust you. Write today.
Chaitpion Co, 40 State st, Chicago. AA'ANTED Manairer In everv eitr coimtv to handle best paying business known, legitimate. new; exclusive control. Phu-uix Co. 114 AVest st.
New Y'ork. Sti.M AA'ANTED Several rst-elass men on I'ul- lier'a Weekly; we assign special territory: our proposition is easily iu the lead. Collier's eeKiy. iSt, ash. al.
WRITE FOR rniPF De-ine's TrueavritTr soap: only brand on the market. Agents coining money. H. E. Ik-aue M'fg Co, Cleveland, O.
AA'ANTED Good ax-enta. lnre r.ritlits. ne.sleil lr. every bouse, liil Tremi.ut sr. room 44 l'n) CARDS AND CASE For a limited time will send 100 cards absolute! correct In Kino and is'inpe.
containing your naine and address, an.l enclosed in a beautiful aluiaiuu.u wua your name engraved thereon, for onlv 7.1 cents, regular nrlce $1. onier todnv. II 1. ItARPEN.
Piniuviile. M500 YEARLY easily made the Amer-s leather rammt out far superior lo 'he elastic, l.uge assortment of styles; exclusive teiritorv Guaranteed write for samples. J. S. lSerrv Aifi.
A Oil! I'ln. clnati. o. a. 4 NEAA P.VTirvTsl .7 day gtnrHiiteed.
salary or couimU-sluu, full line of saeiplts free: write at once for terrliorv. nio Braham Supply House. 201S, Cincinnati, O. a 20-IN-l ROSOAt cl.anges, complete, styllsii fronts, "no la unit, ill: lightning seller, sample free. Pr)aa Co, Mtuitifacturers, 2.1H.
Cincinnati, o. S.i' lisi 1'ERCENT oae first-class man in a'on'n and city of E- Il.tst,... Ilr.l,..,, vir, .1 tl' -til tl St. Boston. Mass S.iTTl,.'' $140 PER month L7.7..
ti Ing alumlcuni c.u aruaniveil tares posltivelr In. laa. nceNovelty Cat, Cincinnati. O. $25 AA EEKLY irtiaranteed.
nict Itr nit itiri-ii ink t.r...... n.t try auaipie pas- cinratl, O. 1 iti- MONTHLY selllr.r sjieclalrv soap, Soap Co. Cluciunatl, O. 12 Corstantlv men hair IU O'lr etllOloV for cilOn- men hair aiil lieard to suit the he.l".,.if.-i.
turps of tiie ELAN la BROS, pa Tremout Oi-ver ntj. ra a i niiir cut l.a.ks like until vu WIVI" trleU open eves; reuiciuber our nam and Xo. IS. SSu Male Help "Wanted A RII- IN ED GENTU'MAN wanted who can froia 3 to 5 hours daily In bis own borne flm'" tb" in- alt' A t.v,- tVr iau-rview add.e 40. Gl aba- oq-ce.
vLu D'o boar bl'ck wcrsied SU.IS. BERNARD M. "air atiu tunaiu us. disuir T22 a ma-s to yacht lag-, tisbluj, K. $io per iiitntn au.l bt.urti: i aud want a tuau r.u hi: a ooat ar-d nor use lioa.
r. saiifa Kraai'isse. AX ED caga-reiuent, new line. JeVo. V'V fci'bvol of Cvrl 'j4M, -r iOX "ork par! rlC trr Wahir.gtoo st.
a.x biriinirxcn' J-ALESMAN- 4T tr 77. rye wl iu r-a4n 4 tuop 7 a pun'r.-- retiutred I43.'jrtce. ra i aeaj A A X. under 40T our bTisTrTTT ai-J fair salary to start, m.L ui vv re.
-a 2d llaavr. It. takU 4 to i. aw bio and Co. try.
CBsi; men job, Male Help Wanted WE WANT A Smart, Active flan aT To Demonstrate From house to house. For out of town. Permanent salaried position. Apply by tetter only, stating age, married or single, previous occupa- tlOIlS and Salary expected LEVER BROTHERS, LIMITED, bos rev ORKS. MBRtDGEPOR MASS.
NIGHT WATCHMAN for manufactory Dear Boston, must be well recommendi-d for honesty. have at least Xo. 1 fireman's liivnse. to tne right person permaceot situation. stating age, wages required, and where last employed.
46. offii-e. SSo KAII.IiOAU I'OSITIUAi. We will aieud vr.ii vnlmiblM advice on when. where and how to proceiil In epplyinar for anj filliug taisiUous In all ocuarlu.eiits oo steam nd a-iectrlc railniada; and other Instructive In formation; no other ctsls.
Address, with 7 2-ceat staiups, L. P. lock box 134S, AlUiS. AMERICAN MEN A Nil HOYS Rig drug clerk. 13: Jr, $10; young Jr.
$ti; young atcnog, asst b-k. Al penman; sboaa eaiesii-an aud repairer. S12: flrst-adass Iorehester griK-ery order clerk, $13; grocery 2 young exp bustlers, eta; bustler, grocery wa-ron, etencg, blacksmith Iteloex. Si.1: carriuce ImmIt finisher. $2il; imulifuist, oat city.
$14; exp oil- tor hand, S10: nickle plater, $10. Younz men. entry clerk. $ti; Koxbury othce. $4: seeonj baker.
5.U: shippinc room. Si. 00: leather cutter. $.1: dniirs. exp.
S'J. II. trail, Irou office. $3: furniture ollice $3: real oUice. Jewelry, $3: dentists, stationery, $3: 1I0 very neat errand boys, start $3.
X. E. Itef Ass'n. 2.1 lironrteld. A FLEE! FIE EE Tacks, boles, etc.
with our pure aluminum door plates, a-ugrav-rti by band while you wait, complete 7 cents: aluminum artlclis of every description: Job piloting alone cheap, do bristol cauls primed 12c, cue coated bristol cards, business. liA very large linen billheads pus) Jl have you seen our hew patented card case for unjierforated cards, same price as the olj one. call and see display. CliAS. ECliEItT, 4.i AAasfclngton st.
AT MEKCAXTILE Kefereiiee ami lkmd As- s4ciation. ti exoerlence.i steno-rraohers S12 to $15, retail dry goods $7 to $0, smart outside salesman $12 and commissi. electrical supply salesman 15, who grocery order clerk, some exp, $10: who drugs packer $12, meat cutter $10 week, board and risim. Inside cro- cery clerk grocery team istroiigl $lo, all-round printer $1, job press feeder BUiumer st. AT BItECK'S.
51 Xo Market st Stenograph er, luw otlice: stenozraidier, $1. young stenog rapher and blr, $lti; grocery clerk, $lo; ut- cutter, $12; salesman, satteena aud ginchanas; hardware clerk: junior drtiUKist. en-glnts-r; miller; milk teamster; all-around printer, $13; 5 machinists: storeki'vpcr for rorp store; coloted couple in selitleman's house; candy maker, Sla. A BIG MAIL for 10 cents; by sending 10c four mime will lie Inserted in tbe Public Mall 1st, and you will receive a large mail daily from publishers and manufacturers all over tbe is, consisting or newspapers, magazines, samples of books, circulars, etc, etc. Gem LiuoM and Perfume Co, Dept A 20, So Fraua- Ingliani, Mass.
Stuiw uiii2.i A-BI SINESS MANAGER of abilitv ami tn- trgy. splendid opiortunlt) for man with small capital, can handle all monies, biislin-ss. se curity and salary 1 and Al. 37, Globe omee. woo have pal.
I ib-rajsits to vv- operatlve Publishing Chicago, vrill hear of something to their advantage by cummuiilcai- jug w-tin -4. g. uiooe olirce. A a.m iiir. MAKER wanted, man who has had experience in repairing skate dies.
Raymond Skate and Bicycle Co. 7 i'uermuu st. Charlestown. A BOY pressfeeder $.1. young men.
stove stores, $4 to $ti; solicitor, sal if rltbt. boy in office $'' 1" young men antl boys $3 lo Bay Slate, 20(5 Washington at. ATTENTION Men. ami filar light work takes you to Europe; no steamship Work. 0 Clinton st, or OS AVcst st.
New Y'ork. Sud7t apl.1 ARE YOU GOING WEST or south? lowest rates; ocean tickets to Europe via all Unci Luion Ticket Ollice, 13 State st. Boston. SSuMThtf nil A MAX AV ANTED by v. bouse.
Itost.aii. to learn business. $13 w.ekl.. with advancement. 3(J cash re.itiire.l.
07. otb. ACTIVE YOUNG MAX with ISO to act as manager in otHce, salary to commence $12. A 40, Globe otlice. A GOiU SHAVE, le to 10 ets- balreair fe 15 eta; 23 barbers.
735 Washington st. HALL'S. -suiMt a I AIiVERTISINti SOLICITOR ofevTiTrieTsr good habits and references, nermanent xa' dress Ell. Globe ollice. A FIRST-CLASS CAR RuN, IU Main st.
Alllford. Mass. dSii.1i' opll A PENNY nlcture man with 7-. at opce, great chance. nt.
A GOOD Jtin PRFssai i.7..J Llbbie Show Print, Beach Boston A HltSTLIXG MAN' pfltiiid aia 7.il7.i-i.T" Boston Supply Co. 28 Kneeland st. A FIRST-CLASS Tttfiyirii ifl HELIOS-UPTON CO. Pealadv. d.s.gtr A HAXDSOMEMAT.
CUIt.ra" a days old. 2 Brook 1 1 A MAX fol stendv aiiii.1i.mi..i.. t- t. i I1AII- ALJ, Noit.iampton, Mass. Sudt-" ALL RAILROAD TICKETS bought and sobl flow ru tea V( es A' A 1 i 140 si! BOYS and vounc men grocery $5, telephiwe effl.
7 a m-av-r, mo, loard and tail dry -roods, l.iri.. I otlice Sa stotk broker's office $.1. paints and oils $... cood writer $.1. Roxbury lv $5.
trade i4 retail shoes $... Cluuiestown UiV $4 ols,) a who wotilens, law insuriince. teas and coffee shoe linditis-s. print lug. who hats music, lumber, dry goods, wall oa lure, enirraviug.
iron and steel. elecTrica! sup- rtllftal tllllOr Tl inrli tiara at a. to. uieu furnishings. is.j cieau crrauu at $3.
50 Summer st. BAKERS. ATTENTION -First-class bakers" BUU p.tSTry CO. it'S Can I.a tallied free of charge tit 4.1 Eliot st, at short room 0. from bam till 0 in- telephone S4i -a1(j EST photographs only $2 a dozen; brlngla any k.nd of a picture, card or tintype, a Lew sitting as ill be given if preferred and will make you one of our Is-st crnyou portraits for ouly Kan Studio, 7 Treuiont row.
Jiostou. Sud7t apl.1 BOYS WANTED From 15 "in dyeing business: come Monday at 7 a ready New England D. A Wks. ail Cod-man st. Iorebesitr: take Iiorchestei av car Ii RI LLI A NT OPEN XG-Mei, a nd woiiia-nSai apiiolnt ag-iits.
traveling and local. $7.1 iiK'iita expenses permanent, genteel work, references' MiitTord Pii-ss Co. New Hsven. lionu. Stiaiiapiri IiO KEEPING tanarbt l.e II 77 i.
i u.i a uurse tt-pi atuitil 1 Iocs secured. seuj ior Uulversitv Instruction ft, 4401.101. BOYS Wholesale gr- tvi les. an Ktl.
hardware, ury leather: Cambraal-rv bov who. alrv trisds; 50 cash ta.ys- 2si u.y ia oih es, 14 to 17 years old. Brea k's Burtaa. BLACKSMITH, your? "man. "with 2 or 3 yeai-s experience at shoeing and jobbing-steady job.
GEO. AV. PRICE. Greenville, ISa3f magic taught oulckly. c7.m.
BEGINNER) ntauc.4 good salai-y. Malc Studio. Ashland, 7J1.1-.S. YOUaG MAX, established busl- UltlSt have X.Val ness. $15 r''r wee: secured',
IS, Glotv BOYS wii-1d. service. Apply Postal Tel Co, Z.H Devonshire a aaa. viii.a oca i anu ciran boya needed P.LAC KS.Ual wanted to da Lorses'p a-tag i suu joouiug. A.ruresa c.
il. LTLEY. Cabot. Vt7 Sud3t ti-is POOKBIXDER forwarder on ptint wi-rk. C.
A. HILCKEX, 176 Tliaaties at. K. 1. IV SSu BICYCLE REPAIRERS, 3 g.j.l men.
fll cie sbippa. exp. Mercanflic Rele.en -at Bond Surumer st. BARBER lilrl-ers Supp Si 504 st, opp Atlanta bouse apC lu 12 13 15 17 li 20 BLACKSMITH AVAXTED. to tae interest gtasl buuness.
Sanderson a'o. 22 Beverly sr. Id cling 25 A Ia.j3.r it C-l La briuge-Hri BOYS over is years. Mlddleton Paper Co. 35 ComMil.
BIG CUT wear: i. ticket mlb-iges W.mnrat7 LLAt KSMITII. 'u ill aLartpnar XTrea.ont CAPAP.IJ-; MAN lo na.l-r 771 outside state. aal ria-amni Isarid $'Ji). refrt a.
Ad Tn" Globe IGARMAKEUS l'Aj trst-Iasi Jrd ll. G. SCLLIVaN. H- Sa-'d AtiitlA'at: pJint-r. ufi rottml man good pay.
ti'Jj'J'S, 477 Harrison av. GOOD LUCK Eci! Cat's Eye Gfsl Lo-k Clones. Set in ban law iufr Lir.kaA. isra theia in the wiudow, 42 Hanover Street, lklaVatajtl eLba. It X'a Lj CI I IS kr In I I If sv.
bar big Jng log. a pr sitnaM. pi -i. tea? a. t'-a.
-ea 1 I Tv I r. a. it i 'i wat'a rl rir I ua-? aal tlueatar, rrVfr la t.v op otti-e. I.i. .11 i -L ta 1 a-a'p.
2'a. 1. -a'-eft 4e r- n. 2- or a of 4i.
"Hi. MAS' am 1. I ra t. a rsn I. i o-r.
j. a. vji. rsn ju ijrr t.J b'lrt Ar; t. trlfffirtT.
14 f'-mlng WAN 1 r. yr' rv, bi-l, or far i- si ki kt i i rri. kl 11.1 f-'-n-r. I' Z4. t- va I'll 'UAN na tr B.ii.
TiJiJiJe nt m1 rfrenc. fa.L )nn la 3 1. I.t r. FNO tl ir.r. lrau -I tot el t.
VAX -j t. I'ot ri" la Ijrut lfrre a fV a rrii ai m-1 Hiao- a-r aii l-ujrrr tf a il klt. a ir It mmvi ik- B.aji, C.aKaf ny a.i of tie -u Nt iork kii.i lu-tou r-f frf of i.a.n". il.iaii ou ot- J-t. 1.1 at li'fll afier Afrii -11.
A1 A T'ri 1 IVarl t. It f. atii.iu r. i.uiii a.lilr'. i-eiiiio.
i ti.H-.uu t.i;:- ait-l atr'f-l ''i--i fi iif-'Bi-a m.i i-ii'. r. A. iiri. 14.i l- wfi g.
J.l lUMJWN VNTKr 1'il'T. finit rla-. OO -vl. fjii tal r'li'fj. ra' '-ii x.ik
Ilohl.itr MUVFIM l-r-ii. li'itr al Su I'AlvTKii, har.c ln-r r.r 1 mt a aat. lt. tat. I.l.-I".
:7 at. MiM I I I. f. I.irf-ri...! rinrntr an.l ttrr. A fr.
-Ural sli limn, utmll a If 4 1 I i.t nt la 1 ai. ei- titiT's i ruM-'; or coim 10 11 la. I'll-rT Hill A lit Ills l.l o. lis MItri.
waiitA Itl.r I Al.l.K j.ntre anl4 make uf fti. run ril nr.i'in- 1 ci I.Kli':' SJiI.K ly youi; mm, tf re n-mvi. K. SSil i' AfriiN cll.ISni 1 witiMn; at l.y -ir IS Tatiw; t.
VV-: aud ottrr I.k!. A. 'J Allelic. Ii'iln- a'T. Nia Sin' ri'N mutnl l.y 3 iihi man i Jr.
nn t.4k (nil iuirue Ii-'r. iirl. tiv it i. i.ra?. au.l ru in t.
4.TIlN tr -iBiifa t.r ai njt-all ruiiiiil rinrr. I'll ni-fri' In aa-1 oE 4 arc. I 1 1. iv i I.r a 1 1 i i Mini I I'V 1 illU- nn I 1.
Mr-a. ar I A'. lrr'' nil at Sm iTIHX K-atitw yi.Ti ill. tq TtMiu mail, Zi l.ii.l. r.tnn.N Ihf Ail'lrtii II.
U1'U im-at nt-kii -auit-ijffj iscrva anI 4.a-r 1''-' an. 11 at. mti a ri wi 1 t.r. fa; n.ilti.a; tn't f-r tt'ry. 1 II.
MTl'ATI'tN" wfinirl l.y Wramrt s.ian r.t rr-. 1 'a-at 2 4 hit 2 Httle elrSaj, if i a. Mr O. AVAPIiFN. M.m- MltTIN cr a l--k4r.
first or I I r.aJ, man. U. II A I'iiri' -ly. Sj1 tTt TnN" Cri-inan f.rft (ml nr. 4J, Olftm e.
a i 4- f.nit-! I lltl Vst.iii-:tiu at. "5irf ATH'N l.y i iui-lr. ir.l fTC'r Visa. A. iLrtl at.
Man.ha- II ilSutt aj)l4 t.a tl.t n't a ai.l of oik. I' SITIMI-'N bv" I ut an if I IT A a a.i:- by uian as lo male blui- r.7. I'fer i-iTry Tni. lK.Vtl It. f.I aTaTbitiarr e.i-inr ear.T.
aa. 4-I-. il Au.uru at. ii.uli apl3 SI ft 1iN an'-! i-lcrk. I''i bui'i -r, prLf.rre.l $li a I It "I Auni-i -t.
-r la'ti-dr man, Kim Ia'a' Warrvnton cttv. dSu3l npl 7R AVKI.IN'i'5 arlcioiin. 1" years' ear's 4oi4tw hty prcferrv.1 iaal a.Mrtfs 27, 4-flW. Al I Kli tie-, k'nir an'l f.uitiy aa I t.tervli t. 1 1 bait cc la'IIman.
t.atao. can ibi ocrnMy iir-ftil rl-t o- ib-l-' 'a a-d si. l.hoilGi:. IV iVT.r-A stout 1 like a vnb.ri of rr Ma. ti-rve years' in nn ar.
hl-Adln-a. SuM tv 4 NT I T4 bi a r.r liwat C-Tl in.vry vbrk. al refi-reaceia. "a lal lae. Ad.Ircj.
A. 11. 4., It-'- IN" I II' "tO'l loan. alriKia. r.a ItL.Icrs' carrt icr.
ri-fcrx ncs C. i ra-Ue'D! C'. fur a nri'itcr af mi! Atidr. M. i 2 i.e.
H. llANl.i i i I ll ar. 4 PAY IT. to pari'l'i ftu.t "me a 411 a city ment rrasl i-c ri a Anj al iaa 4ti. I-a.
I Jlia 4.4ii,.i-..i h.tia4.. pir, 4.r care liiiai-l. 12 rai.l. Jilnc4. M.iks l- 4 iiiTl-T'i-a'I a.Hiin.1 i.a,t.r.
ait. aar.1 r.aci. mh, -a. f.T ,,,.,.,,,.,1 laa'i ei-r. lKJa.
ki. Su'Uir" Ll WvNfF'i Wl.ttpia'-, ti- 'n ere t. GUta a WrFt. i. a.
fere: it 'f 1 a t. II ,1. U't Hit I i-l --ii flcat-a-UaaT e- il 27. a With ii I a 1 I' 4 I I. v.
A a In rj ii a 1 a r. atE A 4J. 4.1 'N? v( p. a a I 41 1 i.ia'. a.
ea 4sriT It IT- 1 si. AN. 1 i. A -J -a .4 IAN i -1 44 Aii' -ere i 2i, Si of' C-t Tr atr-Tl. a -S.
eaa furulaa I a.i a A1A.N. rapa. rrl p'-a, at if P. S.i.1 it ai ii I'TVii AN I Me Li G. cia- i 17, A "I N.l MN ii'i t- lea.u tile piea-trtca! a ax 4, a 4 a- an I' 4-.
il-a f'-r a-4- e. a 4 41 i a- at 'i rv 4 a 4,... tiTwv. YTantel-Fenialo I A 4 Al A ii. rt -a 'J a.
a a i- p. t.r a. a p. laa cat. a o' 1.
A iil.tiiei;, IJi 44 1 4 FT '-1 a a h. 1.4.-1. et en ar i 'a races, a 4 oi a.H:l A. rv C4- k. a I.
j.i. ii Ua. "a t. aiai A A N. aasl
taci.1 a as kP-r tj a 4. .1.4 al u.l Pf at 1 he. asp-ii. AN k.T AN a. i TV V4 M.4 i A .1 A a V.
a -t ai )N p. Va a 1. a at 'Si 1 tie tii il 4 tv it Pa -a Al I js, v. i. f.i' iv sC tl.
LvAMkPJ. I i- e-t a a.i-t witiower. W.ed- 1 i tv I cr Al A CX'IMF 1- .11 No. HI I fr t.i fi-ft.
Al A TOO'; J-VEIiIflI r.IRI. wi.n.a w.rkw to tri lrir In aii Write to AN Mil tU tUSoN, 3 fuller 1. -i'T. A MAKRIKI WOMAN o-iM iiic ijour or day or l.y wk, rco; hiTB uihti. Wn K.
IllumVPlX. 17 A t-ALiY wiwIJ to s't 1 r-lcre-r. luJiire 'I Juisl Piln. pi3 A lici.jiMAKKll "ili -l it It dar tk laUip klrtt nid. HTEVS, 53 pk.
A PU'jTK-'TAVr mnthrr an.1 dauehtcr wuh axfd ifoij-l riri In a pt-lvaf family wr ronctry liotel. 47 illan.l t. AY "CO I I 7 LA I ins In t', ijjrlac u.i.::it li if -nt in fx-c' ft.r few jc- work. (ilAtt olllce. bubire, rlty, couatry.
lil 2- Wajthlr.toa. A iIKS r-CLASS 'r- wiiota -rill ao out t-7 day or dj Huk it home. fr pf l'. A ilVKI'ISII WOMAN wants work i.r Die fci." Main at. I ttay rr hm-r; 1-aat of 8.
A MAltKIF.II WUU4N. chill (I ria: rr.l: or trnrli cf any kiud, li.n:r 12. ti'olaa j'r', Uujr or AlJlt'itNLi Snnllafj -ok, rarv.T, rnjniry bil Mti Waai.tutun. Mll'jIIT. enpr-rrtli.
lb.l!4a aTlahlnir euii''r. mrrit addrpaa 70. Glot4 offlfe. CA PA IMS'. S'TF.
NO A PI i EIlof 4 yi-ara' ij'-arlyore tilth cce iMttitji. iiul'-k. atroriia aol ru j-iTe kit Z.H. Olol a (ladyi wouM like- irork. n'v par preferra-i.
A. Ii 11 Uakif-nd at. Nw- Uaaa. GIP.L won! like to" set work Cst. out town or In rltjr.
Cell or write BOI-laW, Z2 Dartmouth pi. COMPFTr.N'T banwork girl. nli-e conk, Uunelreaarltyiutnirhn. 6tV Wagblnjrton COOKS, eip tal'le Maine couple (reiits pi. 2.VOL NG 77? W-Ultton.
CASHlrit want 6 ears last em-plovtr 17U W. t. wants alttiutiiin.Tini'i7t'teDl anil rliat 150 t'natle it. suite 1. GIKIi want work, day or biTiiT CH or n'liIri'M A.
31 Harwicu at. city. MAIN Proti-alant girl. ex'Vllpnt rw, Uuu'lri-aa. 4 jeers rr-r.
2i Uine 1 1 lit av. wKLrt ixitlon at imre. A'lireaa. fctatlLS, tru.a. eti-, Mlse II.AKE.
fen-1 oflia-i-ry, 11 i. iISuSi I'itl-SSMAKKIt to out ly iie ilay, tprins ll A'1JreJ lln.ut ft. wann H'l'l'n referen-e. A 4 i.Cirp. aJi out by tin iftiy.
12 Dwltht at a iJllKSsMAhvIN'O la prirato familU-s, $1.25 nay. 4 at. K.XPKitlKNI Kt workinij hoiisr- ut-sirii- p. lu wi.Ji.wiT retin ton.e. ni aiiiall'W takii'i: full tt of r.fervii.T t.i rliilite huJ clinr trr.
71 IVrkll.a fct, itown, laa. FIl SALESWOMAN la alik iiml waiata 0i'ilr''s at. ouoe. aiatinx tru. pic.
Jllsi XilAli.F'. c-n I ery. liost 'O O. dSisiii ap)3 IMiil. wuhta t.nd- ina rooaier or or fftabier a caf Iffal A lio.
olHie. F.XPEJlIF.N'f"i;i vmiuir ladv attnutraitiri-r fitv Ir- (naltlin, linii-i laa rtforiacta. Xi. C.l'.. K.I'i;U!EN"l I emiibiyed tlur- tbe day uld like I'Veiiiisi; work.
11 25, t. ioi-e FIRST-CLASS IiUKSSMAK I'll like work. bnis or out: prices rcasouable: line tailoring. tVT.4 fhawrqut ar.
a LAI NIMIY WoUIC at W. Spriui-ueld al, lueiudius luce curtains. SnM AITM Ft rOI.OHF.K wants Eltua- tlot). Write OI EKN1K HoGlJIS. 3 Staiibupe i.l.
UltsT-CLASS DHKSSIIAKKI: mints work at or will en out. Api ly 72 Green st GOOII fEtt Elt wishes etiiraBemcnts with nressuiaker or lu private family. Address 27, Hu onice. lit arsFKEErKirSTI'tiSITIilX til sumll fain- lly of adults, Prot.! c.K.k uud seamstress 4-arefnI liuiiiHcer.
It 37. Giols- IF ini or any if your rrtends bare been cureit by the use cf Fnan'a Kidn. Pills will you please write me? II. M. 1 ') l'ir Huston, siess.
dSutf iiihiti I. AMY. with a clrl 0 Trs, wUhes a as in widower's borne or ladies, wiiii 4iern alivel.leii.'.s. will not sro when- otlier eaibln-u ar-; wonhl like to go to soine. ress'rt.
2.1, s'S'i LADY employed (hiring day desires eveuliis Is rapid plulu writer and paai cashier. 20. Giulsi ofiice. LDY wauls otiretaker of Uvirditic or Ktdu- Inir uixkI rout. Address M.
1-'. room lsi. 1032 EJin et. MaucbestiT. II.
Sud3l apl.1 LAliIKS-Ve bne tiryl-class l-rotrbeTp. PAt; ti 43 AVllller st LADY would l'ke's in. iidin'r to do by the day or take work home. 23 Warrvnton st. LaLY' wants work wnsbn.i: and cleaning iter b' nr.
21. i Uici. Mi'LATTO want work bv day or hour. I as Itillie tltljil 41. tjjol.e ottir'e.
NuVA m'iiTIA otesteiit I. eik, lann.lies, refereuevs. 2S(J Vt asiiiiii'ion. XiiVA ssldTIA WOMAN wants wa cleaning, day or hour. 1.
2S Iland tt. jltnt. I'liMIIilN, by iebne.1 Join. if woman, as hotisi.LwsT. M.
101, West la-uox st, suite 2. eitr. a PLAIN SEWING, uiendlite wanted, no fit-tju-'. 77e day .1 I'ristol st. Fajitb.
Po.ri'IoN In an uSiiv. experienced, aal tynwritinn. It 32. Glebe "UF.LIAISLF. PHoT AA desires hous keeper's Mti.n.'s fn.all family, paid bjit: prelcrrtil lo bl-h l.Li:iNG. ti STI A yumc uvtiiau of gi and abilily. years' ip4.rienee, e.mipetent to assist Avttb tasks, ilcsli'i-a a poaillou with 4ria.rai oj erator. bunk r. fer-cucts and bond.
AdJn-ns oiBcc. Sadit apJo SITUATION by an Mutue gul us peaernl nrk, or woubl tuke iK-r's piac'. I'iea--c all at t4U Purrell al. 2, Koibury, Muss; place 111 preferred. siTl'A Io.N- WAXTE'fi us wiirktui; l.oi"is.
keler, i.ia.l wi.ul.l d.i general Work In studil tia.d Address, with parUcnis-ri. call. 770 ar. city. SITCATIOX by a litnuoti C-neial box.evro.-k.
Mrs "llEID, 1114 Col av, Kovbnry. a iSnTATIoN wanted by ilav'a work or n-stauraut Call or al'lrcs, II. St I-orer st. suite 1. KITLATIOX aa b4useki-eHr ar wtirk, eteept waabtnif.
In unail faiail, banvt of ref. ti Gi le a .31. e. SHAMPOiMNG at ladles' Caaneve st. "VbUMoNT Sl-'l FliS. C4 sister waitreas or tH ecneraiiy ina-ful. Lure in i.rta.i. faniilr. also N'teia and laxtniti.4 tv-tiier: liiAtauw iki objection.
im at. a AVANTnCi, by nii.lJte Aaiei un Is.iy as In 44 4-r's small family, or woeid taac ciniigt of a I'nljtitj- bour.4; raimhie an.l city or.nm.itrj. boaeat rnrties o.iiy i.veJ Ail Ires. Mrs E. I'KNXIS.
2 Temple Ikeit.Mi, MlM. WAXTl ii a rVflued Isily isstition as widower's aula i tarutiy i.r biay. i.i or Lear r.ei:. au.l Adaresa 17. liit AVAN1EU A t.siti.i by a J.wiUi: ppr.eatar.i io air.lr4-.iii4.
at4.i mm. u.e. in all' gtat-l e. Aadtes Miss 2:4 at. li AVANTF14--A a lio'ia.
1.7-i.b.44. 4'r caiible Axeri-cafj botv. Fcr pir4. addreaa Mrs A. NfvAr atutii a A.
I.iwtou. Sadat apl.1 AV.NTr 'la. t.y a lutdie-aced w.ii.1-an. in stuail fmr.ily. 'vr a aired a.i 1..
pr. ferra-d, ks! 21. a br ej yTrnr-e. iac and ilieu we 1 aii-i mid r4i. reace.
lla, a Al A.NTtl'. a a aeau-streaa. one ru t.uiS wals'a and 1 a.a-i 2 Appiy 7-14 Uuntu-itou sr. a AVAN l-w-u I I.p-a.-eY Cati-oHc wej.aa to a aaia'l us alwava ine.1 cut 4 a a sua reliaaic. gj.aj tvf.
I oi a i AA' ANTED-- 1 ai -iti. AUtiraaa 1. a-. rrttaia in a rat-class 2 1 a 3a4 ar. ISlJot-' a to I -i aaUrcas Is b's-rt ai.sitaa AN Si'M' wanted t.v st 4 Hi pi.
Mir.r.ii woman jis to an out I the dav t.r Loiir 4a aud Airs 1-4 1' StlV aa Su.iJ: apl.1 i AVAN7ET. lr piai-a- Lura, cut 7 IU. "vi'ifrsl Wi-aaa, I t.a .11 aaaaair. city ur St. i 2.
AA ANTED A nry v. vt A.lir, as E. SWAN. 1 I aa orat ai.l to take. No.tba'i.taa St.
city week, br g.r!.'r by mail. 7 aa e-t 11 A NTEI P' ai agjv. to ar wrUlrc l- ui rr-ercaces.
as 4 tukUSu nr. rtji, av Ntr.r to c-4 aua-i fi'. 7.1 1 t-s J.aav.t ar taa aeaalL, DiLL PARSZSiIA Ite AVp-biicg Vaui. i2 Mlrrl, I'e tf.t j.J..t r- tVi'iJ i esarser: it 1 tbs brat Pure Soinl Psl.i.. 4 -i ever saw tn v.
i. la- ttaat $.1 liirt, s. a.U AA ixKiing Eai a trfecl Uautj. JUl tbe Ladies sj im. on tl.
94 Cl sTOM coat n.ak-r. filS ll. HF. fEUsaaV. Apply ready f.r work.
am. Alaas. COMPOSITORS, n.en or wompu. at aviw-e. Sudi.u.y bl.ig.
DET CT.HEKS g-jaractped to paLat the board rat-l iiy. i-eraonallv snd by mail. JoHX laJ.N ELL, D. Sal lirosd- w-ay. South B'-ston.
Siidl!" sp riltEO CLEr.KS, on your afternoon off call see br tutor, mu AA at Snd4t-' pl5 IiP.l'G CLEHK. 2 or 3 vn exp-rpne. give rprerenr-es. C.
A. BASS, CtpMc- CrrM-r. Brookline. fiu IRI CLEHK. one years exi-arla-nce.
Apply any time. G. E. GKOVEU. 14iJ Broadway, s- fa- ervllle.
SuAl IiF.XTLST (registere.Ii wanted out -of town attire, must bs Al luao, bigbea: (l- drevi stating Kre formerly eir.lloi.'d x- p4rlence. etc, 21, Globe o3ice. DREG CLERK. at ence. refer ences rctiulrcd.
J. M. DAN 111 Ell, Xatlck. Mass. ENGINEER and fireman. on cor 1. as. automatic. ratup.uod. riding, ali-ie valve engines, boliers.
steam pa. In-plrai- ors. cajuj-nserai, beaters, etc; we tare tbe regularly lilted riiginot-riEg s. In the coun try, which I for ite.i-, Hon to a'l. E.
Scliool of Fjisiueeribg, 121 Haverblll it. B.av ton. acl4 ENGIXIiElfS AND PIREMr.X InaVi-npllon for license, all grades, small expense and guarantee success: l-ea-n lihp, ton years an.l Ciran In avarr la. aT. ii t.AOlM KKIM.
AA INTilROI' and AAater its. dSo7t plO ENGINEERS, tirrnieu, niacblntata aaa pl- Irkiatis. ai'ii 10 rents for near 4u-psge psmpb let. tontsln tg Est of aiuest by el sn-iniL of e.igttn.'rs. GEO.
A. ZEI.l.Elt. Boutseiler. SI Louis, ilo; uteiiti s.stuloi KXTItACI I.NG FREE, rli nnhic t-riU fra7 full set teeth $2. broken platea palre fur.
Ailing to Mar. faistera Ke of I-n. tistiy. 57 einple pi; always ox-n; no students. KXPERIENCED paper box msker nb ting, scoring and to take charge of factorv; t-aiiy isasiiion to right man.
15, Globe EXPERIENCED STITCHERS no duck and wool lined coats; only those ait.rleui sl accepted. HOLMES fc KIMBALL, 14i Lincoln sL dSti3t apI3 ELECTRICIANS AA'anted. or 4 evi-rl' Inside light wIt-4-iiihii. F. BRY ANT tji.
a2S Maas ar. a. Mass. S.iM" ELECTRIC "and g.ts light fixture aale.ruao must lie A Xo. 1 and up to date, state age and experience.
Atiiin-ss ty ts.x 3442. EXPERIENCED bag and sample ease mater, repair man. Applv st. "ENGINE Kit wanre.l. 3,1 license.
Apply Momiay A. II. EAIERY. 404 nn. EAMILH-S wanted, containing Uxera, weavers and other belp.
accustomed to caasi-mere and worsted work on 6.4 K-DJWlea A Crompton looms; also single weavers; tbe Liga-est of wages and work cuaraoteed. Address, stating where have w.rka-d and on what class of work, Tbe Warren Woolen Mills. A r- ren. Mass. dsult apl2 "FOR tT Ca.
r.if-terymarch sr. star Kaisa.niinpi the cbeast. best ami most practiTil color: miners, call iriw and get free jsau.j'l an 1 particulars. VS.Nul2t aj4 FELL SET TEETH pistes 25c, extracting 27m'. goid bilinga 75a.
teeth 27e. York Iaentul Rooms, 7 roav; a in to ni. Sun -lavs to Vri.EfANaa:it-aTl1lllll4llM flnish mill, must thoroughly naderstuiid cuttinj of lumber and biiililing steady woik for the right man. II 4. Globe office.
FIXE SCT OF TEETH $5." Ist sa-ta gold Mlliiigs $1, $2. sliver 5ic, n.iri.a $4 and pniniessai'ilraciins: 2.1c; all work warranH'l, SiiniUys. I'r CARON. 132 'ylsjoa st. FIRST-CLASS tt rri.ig" "aiid finisher.
Union Wheelwright S.op. 3IO Caaru- merclal t'. FARM HANDS, single, wanted at once. BRECK'S. ol No Market st.
dSutf mt.3 FIRST-CLASS "DRUGGIST indry "travelinat salesman; state a'Apt-neiice. 4alote "GOVERNMENT prepa.e for any advil service anr census a-xaruiuation without sa-elug our catalog atf luf -f a--iit free. Columbian Corri'siMjndenve Coib ge. DC. SjIM' api GO ERX XI EXT POSITION'S, where they bow obtaineal.
salaries -aid: free. Write for 115. Xatianal Corr-siaand. Institute. I C.
Su.1t api GENTS AND LADIES to use tbe latest and best collar button made. Mail 10 ceoia. ABBOTT, 23 Court. GET MARRIED, buy the furoitnre of us sad you will save many h.ird-carn.-d ilt.l.ara. Who-sale Office.
19 Treuiont-row. room 7. Boston. GREEN HANDS desiring to travel with show. Address Magic Studio, Asiilatiu, Mass.
GOOD CARPENTER wanted, cor Aliston it nd Snnimlt av, Brtehmn. HOSPITAL AT'I ENTiANTS and other heir. wanted, gttd positions men an.l women; hospital directory wit a particular sent for one dime Addrp-s Euioiie Ea.plovnM-Tit Agency. U't Al j-bllp'oavii. Conn.
Sos-a-aria 1 1 HOUSE PAINTERS wanted. GEO. A. PER KINS. Xo.
lo Sycamore it, Al averiey. Ala- ply today. HOTEL HELP Head stabuian. 2d cadi. a -r-a. and to'eaiau. TARIUi'--i, 30; Washington st. A Y'O 1 1 A I CUT" IG II "and look Well lor 15c at EUGENE'S, .16 Knca-Ian-I st IIOXEST, eola-T, Intiustri.ius man lo 'mi-''. manufacturing S'leclatti'-s. eaiabiisb'd trade, no goial ref vsacntial; siuull capital.
MERRIa.L. 5 liond at. "HANDY "MAX alant tbe boiisa- with r. fer-enei-s, can have g.a-d room for work. al Jatuca.
"HIGHEST PRICES lParker Hill av, Roil.ury, 1st flocr. HOUSE" painter." first-class luau. A EE "CRT 2ol5 Mns av. North Cambridge. INSURANCE BROKERS Invrnttirsv" our n- nvistered isilicy.
hi ii Is most ll'aeral in i'a trovlsious. und rivea a security un.sui..d In life usuratH-e. Address or on Se-imiy Mu1a.1t Ufe Ins Co. 512 Exchange bidg, Boston. Jlavi hSj I WAXT honest, terni-erste man.
witu t'15'C as imrtuer in grocery atsl provision et-p-e le eata-d on great thoroughfare. $1S aaa-i-kly to g.aei laa brokers. II. SMITH, station A. IMMEDIATELY Higb-'trnale kalesnien pineticai.
itaide. toaiieiit sells i.a ail iaases wlil Im- sui itrisa-ti; I'l. Ki; age and pa-rieuci. any. Palmar Joni.a.-y, Canta-fi.
i'a-nu. IF YOf. or any ymir friends have been cured by the use of Doao's Kidney ariil you please wrile Lie? ii. M. IL.
I' t-. 177.1. Boston, Mass. dSutf nihil "JOB PRESSMAX, Morse" printer. 3 row.
room A. A 1.4(1)11 XERS Evprv ksioo.lnrr la fTTe clv call now Jonn Bririrs a): n. Bat-terrn rch at, for fr -e ta.i of Star Kala-ocjlue. cbeaneat ua beat water ctlor V.sSi:12? LITKOGRAPIlIa; on general WOlk. aapsllatailt also: give 1 alel wages wanie.1.
IJiao Cat. AA ir'-ester. LAlilij TAILOR wa Exp.rlene.t on coats and GOLDitLRG. loiuru ai MEN AND WOMEN to lesra the tier waaasaa while iea-ning, ap.eatild opp.artunl;y oTIered. coal i-ositiou sectirpal frywbere, av students enter railrtaand ticket, lodging.
tr-aJ. ial auU aataiog fra-at. Ill.l 4 17a-1 at. New Vork, 73.1 AAaal ir.gtoa at. Jkaatoa.
or ltJ Fast I Seneca at. Baafalo. ftuM I MEN af brail rgy tt s-ll IlaatoryTTaf Soutn Africa and AAar; oo njia clpsra-4 laat week $55. la-iy lu 5 li $1 75; big fpniia. lald.
ireiiif write for terri- tory. American Ca, 132 N. 12tra al-a i MACHIXISTS 25 lirst-a law. Ad-ireas. eta- experience aud wngaa lial.Jt.ln Au'gua ile Dept., Barry c.a-' iielisvllie. Pa. MACH1XERV SALExMAN wantP.1 ar, wua gaa ericiaa: acaaea- i a irri glni a id alpeiieriee 34.Git Sce. EC II AN JV'A IRA I vJs rti 7, EdeLrrKD-l U' I -I tap I a I.i ii 4 f.j Istd fp I For Other Classified Small Ads SEE PAGES 7, 10.
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21,22 and 23.